DFW Precision

Home/DFW Precision

Monthly matches for DFW Precision are held at a private gun club. The matches are open to the public, but there is no public access to the club at non-match times. Matches are typically held on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 10am.

Please contact Scott Cotton at scott.cotton@gmail.com for directions and to confirm the match date and time.

PractiScore Club Link

Club Website



MD: Scott Cotton

Rimfire Matches per Year: 12

Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 100 yds

*Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is the competitor’s responsibility to get confirmation on match registration directly from the Match Director and if that Match Director intends to submit competitor scores on this national platform. 

DFW Precision
County Rd 525 & County Rd 526
Mansfield TX 76063
United States