2021 Ralston Ranch Shootout
Date: September 11, 2021
If you would like to be added to the MATCH WAIT LIST, please e-mail Joe Maehs at jmaehs@sbcglobal.net.
We are honored to host the RALSTON RANCH NRL22X match for the second year. At Stillwater Precision Rimfire we strive to host matches that are both fun and challenging. Stages will be deigned to push the limits of all shooters. Be prepared for 12 challenging stages.
After Match Meal, snacks, and bottled water will be provided the day of the match
Fee includes: Snacks, Water, Meal at the match, Match Hat and other “goodies”
100% of money made at the match is going to cover the costs of the match and range fees, any remaining balance goes to support our future matches, new shooter clinics, and loaner rifles.
Round count will be 120+ for the match, but bring more for zeroing, malfunctions, etc.
Target distances will be between 25-400 yards for the match. Most of the targets will be between 75 and 225 yards.
We have put significant time and effort into providing a prize table for this match. Prize table walking order will be by random draws. Top 3 overall and class winners will be paid cash and included in the random draw. We will draw until all shooters have walked the table or until all prizes are gone. ROs will have some prizes slated just for them
Range Address: Ralston, Oklahoma 74650, GPS: 36.500042, -96.743426
Saturday 9/11/21
- 7:30AM – On Site Register/Check-in
- 7:30AM – Zero Range Open
- 7:30AM – Range Officer Brief of Stages
- 8:45AM – Safety Briefing
- 9AM – Match Starts
- 4:30PM – Awards after match, meal provided

Motels located in Ponca City of Stillwater are approx.. 35-40 miles from Range.
On site DRY camping will be allowed on Friday night Please contact Joe Maehs (580-370-5345) For details and if you plan to dry camp.
Rifle Supplies
*All information provided as a service, we strongly advise that all potential competitors do their own travel planning and research to find what works best for them individually!