601 Rimfire

Home/601 Rimfire

Monthly NRL22 matches with at least 2 bonus stages out to 300 yards. Matches are on the 4th Saturday of every month. $25/adult $10/young gun. Gates open a 7am. Sign up 8am with safety briefing shortly after. Go hot at 9am. Match are posted on practiscore every month

PractiScore Club Link

MD: Thomas Wallace

Rimfire Matches per Year: 12

Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 300 yards and less yds

*Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is the competitor’s responsibility to get confirmation on match registration directly from the Match Director and if that Match Director intends to submit competitor scores on this national platform. 


601 Rimfire
843 Buck Creek Rd
Richton MS 39476
United States