2021 Skunk River Practical Rimfire Shooters Derecho Aftermatch Redux
Date: November 13, 2021
Range Address: Indian Creek Izaak Walton League, 532nd Ave. Maxwell, IA 50161
Again this year Match Director Mike Gager will partner with primary sponsor Brink Excursions & NRL22X to present the Skunk River PRS Derecho Aftermatch Redux!!
Join us Saturday November 13 at the Indian Creek Izaak Walton range outside of Maxwell, Iowa for an NRL22X match consisting of:
11-12 stages
120-150 rds
Distances from fairly close out to about 300yds
There will be a mix of prone & positional stages with a variety of different target and barricade set ups.
Match Fees: $60.00 this will include a match t shirt so include your t shirt size when registering
No match fee refunds
Notable items:
A lunch truck will be onsite with food stuffs available for purchase
Awards ceremony will be held up at the club house shortly after the match;
Mulligan chip available $20.00
Parking will be in the trap field area of the club house
Shuttling will be available on a limited basis.
It is Iowa and it is November it will likely be cold.
The weather waited until after the match to start snowing last year… don’t count on it!
Ros will be able to shoot the match course the day before.
No match shooters will shoot the targets on Friday.
Saturday, November 13th, 2021
- 7AM – On Site Register/Check-in
- 7:30AM – Zero Range Open
- 8:30AM – Range Officer Brief of Stages
- 8:30AM – Safety Briefing
- 9AM – Match Starts
- 3PM – Awards

Rifle Supplies
*All information provided as a service, we strongly advise that all potential competitors do their own travel planning and research to find what works best for them individually!