2022 Midwest Precision Shooting
MD: Ruth Soucie, Justin Carbone
Location: New York Mills, Minnesota
Date: June 25, 2022
Cost: $90
Date: June 25, 2022
Range Address: Rush Lake Range, 49899 Co Hwy 54, New York Mills, MN 56567
(Google maps will guide you to the range via 500th avenue- do NOT turn onto 500th avenue. Instead, the range entrance will be off of CO Hwy 54 just west of 500th avenue.)
Fee includes: Snacks, Water, Lunch at the match, Match Shirt and Bag
Facebook Event Page (RSVP for updates!): https://fb.me/e/58NWuTaG3
Round count will be 150+ for the match, but bring more for zeroing, malfunctions, side stages etc.
This match will be self-squadded. An email will be sent out to notify registrants when squadding opens.
We are incredibly honored to be hosting this NRL22X match for the third year in a row. As shooters ourselves, we strive to host matches that are both fun and challenging. Stages will be designed to push the limits of shooters and rifles both, so be prepared for a challenging course of fire.
Lunch, snacks, and bottled water will be provided the day of the match. Please reach out via phone or email (listed below) if you have any dietary restrictions and we will do our best to accommodate them.
Mulligans will be available for $20 each, limit one mulligan per shooter. Side stages for high-value prizes will be available on Friday for $10/try. Each try will earn you anywhere from 1-10 tickets entered into a drawing for the prizes available. The money made from side stages and mulligans will go to supporting the match/ROs.
Target distances will be between 25-350 yards.
Prize table walking order will be a combination of place finished and random draws. Top 3 overall and class winners walk the table first, followed by alternation between a random draw RO, random draw shooter, and the next highest match placement. We would like our ROs to be adequately rewarded for their participation and we will have the top 3 ROs from the RO match walk the table with the other class winners. We cannot provide high quality matches without high quality ROs.
Range Officer (RO) opportunity
We feel strongly that a big key to a high-quality match is to have good ROs. Good ROs bring consistency to stages for a fair competition and help keep the match flowing smoothly. We are looking for willing ROs to participate. ROs will eat free, will receive a door prize bundle, will walk the prize table with the rest of the shooters, and will receive appreciation and respect from the match directors and the shooters. ROs will also be given the opportunity to shoot the course of fire on Friday. This will give them the opportunity to shoot the match, as well as allow them to become accustomed with the stages. If you are new to precision rifle competitions, ROing this match will be an excellent opportunity to get experience shooting with help from match directors, as well as experience spotting bullet impacts through spotting scopes. To RO, please reach out via phone or email (listed below).
Feel free to call or email us with any questions or concerns.
Email: midwestprecisionshooting@gmail.com
Phone: 763-360-0913 (Ruth) 612-232-6899 (Justin)
*All times are in CST*
Friday, June 24th, 2022
- Early Registration/Check-in Open from 3pm-7pm (you must check-in prior to zeroing)
- You will receive your COF during this time
- Sight-in range will be open from 3pm-8pm
- Side stages will run from 3pm-8pm
- Self-walk through of stages available 3pm-8pm (NO RIFLES ON PROPS OR SHOOTING OF STAGE STEEL ALLOWED)
Saturday, June 25th, 2022
- Shooter Registration/Check-In will run from 7:00am-8:30am. (You must check-in prior to shooting)
- Sight-in range will be open from 8:00am-8:45am
- 8:45am-9:00am Safety Briefing
- 9:15am Match Start
- ~12pm Lunch served to your squad. Keep shooting. We’ll bring it to you!
- Award Ceremony to follow immediately after last squad is finished and scores are tallied

Lunch, snacks, and bottled water will be provided the day of the match. Please reach out via phone or email (listed below) if you have any dietary restrictions and we will do our best to accommodate them.
The range is approximately 50 minutes from Alexandria, MN which offers a variety of accommodations and restaurants. There are several towns closer to the range that have accommodations as well: Wadena (20 minutes), Ottertail (15 minutes), and Perham (20 minutes drive). Several resorts and AirBnBs are also available on nearby lakes. The range has limited spaces for RVs and camping on site, please reach out if you would like to camp at the range.
If you are making a trip to Minnesota, here are some recommended activities to do in the area:
The largest town close to the range is Alexandria (approximately 30 minutes south of the range) which offers a variety of activities for the family from antique shopping to historic tours to golfing or boating/fishing. For tourism information on Alexandria, check out this website: https://explorealex.com/
There are some great resorts in the area as well as AirBnBs with lake-front accommodations. A few options are below:
Wild Walleye Resort and RV Park: https://campnative.com/campgrounds/usa/mn/ottertail/wild-walleye-resort
Four Seasons Resort: https://www.fishrushlake.com/
Thumper Pond Resort and RV Park: https://www.thumperpond.com/
For those interested in fishing, we highly recommend Walleye fishing. There are some great local guides who can help you find all the best locations to catch the state fish (check out http://jsguideservice.com/ for more information!). Walleye are both fun to catch AND taste great!!
Rifle Supplies
*All information provided as a service, we strongly advise that all potential competitors do their own travel planning and research to find what works best for them individually!