2022 Red, White, & Boomin NRL22X
MD: Travis Carroll
Location: Lexington, Nebraska
Date: July 16, 2022
Cost: $75
Date: July 16, 2022
Range Address: 43651 Road 749, Lexington, NE 68850, US
Coordinates: 40.6858374, -99.6675674
Round count: 120
Lunch and water will be provided at the match.
Trophies will be awarded to the Top 3 Overall, Top Lady, and Top Young Gun
Welcome to the Red, White, Boomin NRL22X match at the Robb Jeffrey’s Distinguished Shooting Range! This match will consist of 10-12 stages varying in distances from 25yds to 400yds. All stages will have a 10rd count. The course of fire will require the shooter to build stable positions quickly and execute good shots to excel.
Mulligans will be available at the match check-in for an additional $10 with all proceeds going to the ROs.
We will have a small prize table. Prizes will be awarded in the following manner:
1st Overall
Then either 1st Lady or 1st Young gun with higher score being first
The rest will be walked in overall match finish.
Saturday, July 16th
- 7AM – Range Officer Brief of Stages
- 7:30AM – On Site Register/Check-in
- 7:45AM – Mandatory Range Orientation Brief
- 8AM – Zero Range Open
- 8:45AM – Safety Briefing
- 9AM – Match Starts
- 3PM – Awards

Rifle Supplies
*All information provided as a service, we strongly advise that all potential competitors do their own travel planning and research to find what works best for them individually!