2023 Last Chance Northeast
Date: April 29, 2023
Range Address: 1438 Terbury Rd, Alfred Station, NY 14803
Round count: 120
Welcome to the 2023 LAST CHANCE Northeast NRL22X match at Southern Tier Precision in Alfred, NY!
This match will consist of 11 stages fired at distances of 50-360 yards with a round count of 110-120 rounds not including zeroing. Some stages will have a max round count of 12 with mandatory mag change, so it is highly encouraged to have 2 magazines.
Competitors can expect fun and challenging stages with most of the engagements being shot off of props, including new props for 2023! We never stop improving the range! Long distance targets have flashers installed. This match will test your wind skills, time management, and ability to build solid shooting positions. This will be our toughest X match of the 2023 season, and is designed to expose your weaknesses as you prepare for the National Match in July! Mulligans will be available at match check-in for an additional $10.
Prize Table:
We will have as generous a prize table as our sponsors allow! Prizes will be awarded in the
following manner:
1st, 2nd & 3rd Open
1st Lady
1st Young Gun
Then in order of finish.
LUNCH, drinks, and water will be provided for all competitors. Spectators may buy-in for food for $10.
Real bathrooms are available in the house 50 yards from the firing line. No smelly porta-potties here!
All squad members will help spot, score, and RO the shooters at each stage. Shooters are encouraged to bring spotting glass, shooting mats, and 10×10 pop-up canopies if you own them.
We keep match fees as low as possible to make this sport more affordable for our shooters. Don’t think this is a “lesser” match because it doesn’t cost so much. If you are driving in from a distance, you will not be disappointed! There are plenty of hotels, AirBnBs, etc in the area, and land here for tent camping. Contact the MD for camping arrangements.
Saturday, November 12th
- 7:30AM-8:30AM – On Site Register/Check-in
- 7:30AM-8:30AM – Zero Range Open
- 8:15AM – Range Officer Brief of Stages
- 8:30AM – Mandatory Range Orientation Brief
- 8:30AM – Safety Briefing
- 9AM – Match Starts
Rifle Supplies
*All information provided as a service, we strongly advise that all potential competitors do their own travel planning and research to find what works best for them individually!