Bullets & BBQ NRL22X
Bud Weber
Rose, OK
April 13, 2024
Adults – $100
$80 if you attend both matches
Young Guns – Free
Welcome to the Bullets & BBQ NRL22X match
This is match 1 of 2 for this weekend. Click here to register for match 2.
Range Address: 53443 CR 543 Rose, OK 74364
Stages: 10
Distances: 30-400 yds
Round Count: ~140 (does not include zeroing)
Match Details: Saturday’s match will be filled with great fun and stages that will test you. Some stages will have a max round count of 14 so it is highly encouraged to have magazine extensions or you’ll be required to conduct magazine changes. This match will straight up test your shooting skills on wind calls, building a position and making good corrections as well as time management. Targets will be fair sized with big, small combinations making the difference of a good shooter and winner. There will be no KYL just TYL, and every stage will have a dedicated RO and target signs. Targets around the 300yd and beyond will have led hit indictors (5 total targets at or beyond the 300yd mark. Stages with lots of movement will have 1-2 targets stages with min movement might have up to 6 targets. Competitors can expect fun and challenging stages with 90% of the engagements being shot off of props. Props are held in place by concrete, and nothing will be moving or bouncing but you.
In order to guarantee a match t-shirt, you will need to register by no later than March 13th.
Lunch will be brought to each squad starting around 11am.
When the match is finished the competitors will come back up to the front and we will have the awards and dinner waiting on you.
Awards/Trophies: The awards will begin shortly once everyone has settled in starting with shotgun challenge the top shooters in Open, Young Guns, and Ladies which, will all get a special trophy that has never been seen or done before. (Bud thinks they are the greatest thing since Betty White) After that, Top base, OG, and Air Rifle will be announced followed by trophies for 2nd and 3rd place in open, young gun, and ladies. Once we finished that 1-3 place winners of the match regardless of division will be given cash instead of the prize table.
The cash payout will be 20% of paid shooters. 110 shooters could result in $1,760 paid out to the top 3 shooter. After everything is wrapped up the corn hole tournament will begin after.
$20 entry fee with pot being split half going back to the shooters the half to BO’s family. Bo Galloway is an incredible young man who was involved in a near-fatal car accident. Bo has been go through a very challenging journey up to this point with numerous surgeries, countless hours of physical therapy. Bo’s life has changed forever. Please help us in supporting his family #TOBOlieve
Match fee is non-refundable for any reason. No exceptions. You may sell your spot to someone else; however, we will not coordinate this.
For questions about this match, please contact the Match Director at reconbyfirerange@gmail.com
Saturday, April 13th (Competitor’s Match)
- 7:00AM – Check-In
- 7:00AM-8:00AM – Zero Range
- 8:15AM – Safety Brief
- 8:45AM – Match Starts
- 4:00PM – Match Ends
- ~4:45PM – Awards & Dinner
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Rifle Supplies
*All information provided as a service, we strongly advise that all potential competitors do their own travel planning and research to find what works best for them individually!