The 2023 Regular Season of NRL22X ended on 5/31/23. 

The only match these rules still apply to is the 

2023 National Championship in NC.

2023 NRL22X Season Rules

Match safety briefing:

  1. Always point your rifle in a safe direction. Never point a rifle at anything you don’t intend to kill or destroy. Only ground your rifle where you are instructed to by a Range Officer. If you point your rifle at anyone else you shall be disqualified.
  2. Always keep your rifle unloaded until ready to use. Only load the rifle when instructed to by a Range Officer. With the exception of when it is your turn to shoot, rifles are always cold at NRL22 X events. This means the magazine is out and bolt back with chamber flag inserted. Violation for breaking this rule will be a warning on the first offense. A second violation will be a stage disqualification. A third violation will be a match disqualification.
  3. Keep your finger out of the trigger guard until you are ready to fire. If you have a negligent discharge, you will be disqualified. If you have an accidental discharge / mechanical failure, you will receive a zero for that stage and all follow up stages until the rifle is repaired.
  4. In the event of an emergency, the Range Officer shall immediately declare a ceasefire which will be echoed down the firing line. The Range Officer shall then size up the situation and relay the situation to the Match Director. The Match Director will activate the 911 system and the primary medical responder. The primary medical responder will obtain the NRL trauma kit and treat the patient.
  5. The 911 system is: YOUR MEDEVAC PLAN
  6. The primary medical responder is: YOUR PRIMARY MEDICAL RESPONDER
  7. Identify any other medical personnel.
  8. Are there any questions?


Official 2023 Rules and Regulations as written by the NRL22 commission.


To give athletes, aspiring athletes, and the community the most compelling competitive shooting experience possible.

NRL22 X is the premier precision rifle advocacy & support organization.

We are a non-profit engine of impacts that empowers organizations and athletes in precision rifle by providing education and opportunities for growth.

These activities are designed to develop marksmanship skills for those participating in this discipline, and to educate the public about firearm safety.

The goal of this document is to provide maximum safety to all participants, while providing standard rules to follow without limiting the creativity of the individual Match and its Match Director.


Section 1: NRL22 X Organization and Responsibilities

A.   Executive Staff

Section 2: Safety

A. General Rifle Safety

B. Rifle Safety While at an NRL22 X Match

C. Rifle Safety During Your Stage

D. Safety Violations and Penalties

E. Match Safety Briefing

Section 3: Match Format

A. NRL22 X’s Responsibilities

B. Shooter’s Responsibilities

C. Match Director’s Responsibilities

D. Range Officer’s Responsibilities

E. Specific Competition Rules

Section 4: Scoring, Divisions, and Championship Qualification

A. Divisions

B. Equipment

C. Scoring

D. Championship Qualification

E. Championship Match and Scoring

Section 5: Sportsmanship

A. Good Sportsmanship

B. Unsportsmanlike Conduct

C. Cheating

D. Penalties for Unsportsmanlike Conduct and Cheating

E. Reports to the Board of Directors


A. Executive Staff.

The NRL22 X has an executive staff whose responsibilities include day to day operations, media, match operations, logistics, marketing and finances. The executive staff shall not override the board of directors unless safety or legal concerns arise. The President appoints the executive staff. For the 2022 season, the Executive staff is as follows:

  1. President / Founder  –  Travis Ishida
  2. Director of Match Operations / Co-Founder  –  Tyler Frehner
  3. Marketing Director / Co-Founder  –  Brittney Weldon
  4. Coordinator – Dominic Thompson

A. General Rifle Safety

  1. Always point your rifle in a safe direction. Never point a rifle at anything you don’t intend to kill or destroy.
  2. Always keep your rifle unloaded until ready to use. Treat all rifles as though they are loaded even if you believe otherwise.
  3. Keep your finger out of the trigger guard until you are ready to fire.
  4. Know your target and what is beyond.
  5. Always wear proper eye and ear protection and ensure others have the same before firing.
  6. Never use alcohol or drugs while shooting.
  7. Individual Range safety rules always supersede NRL22 X rules.

B. Rifle Safety While at an NRL22 X Match

  1. NRL22 X competitions are always cold ranges. All rifles are to be unloaded, with magazines out and bolts to the rearward position. Chamber flags are to be utilized at all times so that anyone can identify an unloaded rifle. The rifle may only be loaded and chamber flag removed at the discretion of the Range Officer. Once the stage is complete, the magazine shall be removed, bolt in the rearward position and chamber flag inserted before the rifle is removed from the firing line.
  2. Only ground rifles in a proper rifle rack, or wherever the Range Officer designates as a safe location and direction.
  3. When moving to another shooting location, always ensure the rifle is pointed in a safe direction.

C. Rifle Safety During Your Stage

  1. Always wait for the Range Officer’s command of “load and make ready” until you remove your chamber flag and insert magazine.
  2. Stages always begin with magazine in and bolt to the rear unless specifically directed by the match booklet and the Range Officer.
  3. Any movement or barricade transition must be done with the bolt to the rear and an empty chamber. The only exception to this rule will be with the use of semi-automatic rifles but only at the approval of the Match Director. If the MD allows this, the shooter must engage the safety, and yell “safe” loud enough for the RO to hear with ear protection.
  4. During movement, the 180 rule must always be adhered to. The 180 rule refers to only pointing the rifle within 90 degrees of straight forward. There may be stages when a Range Officer reduces the 180 rule even more. Always follow directions and be aware of where you are pointing your rifle.
  5. Sky-bolting is never allowed during a match. Sky-bolting refers to when a shooter closes the bolt before they are looking through their scope and on target. The bolt must only be closed when the shooter is directly behind the scope and on the target. 

D. Safety Violations and Penalties

  1. Violation of the cold range rule: Any shooter who has violated the cold range rule shall be issued a warning. A second violation will result in a stage zero. Next violation will result in a match DQ and removal from competition. This includes a live round in the chamber, magazine inserted, a closed bolt, or chamber flag not being used. The only violation that will be issued to having a live round in the chamber while not shooting shall be a match DQ.
  2. Muzzling and/or violating the 180 rule: Muzzling is pointing or sweeping another person’s body with the muzzle of a rifle. There will be no warnings of this unsafe act. If any shooter muzzles any other attendee, that action shall result in match DQ and removal from competition. It will be the duty of the RO to inform the MD of the infraction, and the MD’s call to issue the match DQ.
  3. Unsafe transitioning: Transitioning on a barricade, movement without having the bolt to the rear, or sky-bolting will result in the Range Officer having the shooter correct the situation, then move back to the previous firing position before resuming the course of fire. A second violation will result in a zero for the stage. A third will result in the shooter getting a match DQ and removal from competition. If the match allows for Semi-Automatic rifles to move with a closed bolt with the safety engaged, the same rule applies if the shooter does not either engage the safety and/or yell “safe”.
  4. Negligent Discharge (ND). A Negligent Discharge is defined as any round unintentionally discharged from a firearm during a transition, movement, and/or weapons manipulation; or a round intentionally discharged during a ceasefire period. The competitor shall receive a match DQ and removal from competition.
  5. Accidental Discharge/Mechanical Failure (AD). An Accidental Discharge is defined as any round unintentionally discharged from a firearm due to a mechanical failure. The participant will be removed from the event until he or she can repair the rifle to safe working order. The shooter will receive a zero for that stage, and all follow up stages will be forfeited during this down time.
  6. False Starts: Firing before the start signal will result in a zero for the stage.
  7. If a Match Director judges a shooter to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during competition, the shooter will receive a match DQ and be removed from competition. The shooter will not be allowed to drive from the competition while still intoxicated.

E. Match safety briefing

The following shall be read prior to the start of the competition. This briefing will also be at the top of the rules for easy access.

Match safety briefing:

  1. Always point your rifle in a safe direction. Never point a rifle at anything you don’t intend to kill or destroy. Only ground your rifle where you are instructed to by a Range Officer. If you point your rifle at anyone else you shall be disqualified.
  2. Always keep your rifle unloaded until ready to use. Only load the rifle when instructed to by a Range Officer. With the exception of when it is your turn to shoot, rifles are always cold at NRL22 X events. This means the magazine is out and bolt back with chamber flag inserted. Violation for breaking this rule will be a warning on the first offense. A second violation will be a stage disqualification. A third violation will be a match disqualification.
  3. Keep your finger out of the trigger guard until you are ready to fire. If you have a negligent discharge, you will be disqualified. If you have an accidental discharge / mechanical failure, you will receive a zero for that stage and all follow up stages until the rifle is repaired.
  4. In the event of an emergency, the Range Officer shall immediately declare a ceasefire which will be echoed down the firing line. The Range Officer shall then size up the situation and relay the situation to the Match Director. The Match Director will activate the 911 system and the primary medical responder. The primary medical responder will obtain the NRL trauma kit and treat the patient.
  5. The 911 system is: YOUR MEDEVAC PLAN
  6. The primary medical responder is: YOUR PRIMARY MEDICAL RESPONDER
  7. Identify any other medical personnel.
  8. Are there any questions?

A. NRL22 X’s Responsibilities

  1. Provide promotional and media support through social media and web sites.
  2. Provide optional logistical support to include: t-shirts, printing match booklets, trophies, and a sign up and match fee collection web site. These services are optional and designed to ease the burden of administering the match and to create buying power through volume. All service costs will be transparent.

B. Shooter’s Responsibilities

  1. Shooters will always treat Match Directors and Range Officers with respect. From time to time, disagreements arise between shooters and match officials. This is fine, so long as mutual respect and calm communication occurs. The Match Director’s ruling is always final.
  2. Shooters in the precision rifle discipline are regarded as the most professional and highly educated in any discipline. All participants in NRL22 X matches are looked upon as Safety Officers. Any participant that witnesses an unsafe act is to call for a ceasefire and stop the unsafe act. The participant should then inform the closest Range Officer of the act.
  3. It is the shooter’s responsibility to know the NRL22 X Rules and Regulations prior to a competition.
  4. Shooters should actively participate in any stage briefing to move the shoot along smoothly.
  5. Shooters shall understand that at the beginning of the stage, when asked by the Range Officer “Shooter do you understand the course of fire?” If they give an affirmative answer, that will be their last opportunity to get clarification. Because of this, arguments that they did not understand anything about the stage or its targets are invalid.
  6. Shooters should be good squad mates by helping police brass, helping Range Officers when directed, and providing coaching to other shooters after their stage is complete.
  7. Sponsors are very important to the NRL22 X. It is encouraged that the shooter writes emails or utilizes social media to thank the sponsors that supported the competition.
  8. Shooters will only be allowed to take a position on any prop while on the clock and shooting the stage. This will ensure that they don’t gain an advantage and helps to move the match along; however, this rule is at the discretion of the Match Director. Shooting props cannot be moved nor positioned in a different manner unless the stage description clearly states to do so unless it must be repositioned to ensure it is safe for use. When shooting off any prop/barricade, the rifle must be primarily supported by said prop/barricade to ensure the spirit of the stage is met.
  9. Shooters will not provide corrections to a shooter during a stage. The shooter that provides the corrections will receive a zero for the stage.

C. Match Director’s Responsibilities

  1. Match Directors are responsible for the overall direction of a match. He or she is the person in charge at that event.
  2. Match Directors shall provide a Match Booklet to all shooters.
  3. Match Directors shall provide enough Range Officers to ensure administration of the match is top quality. It is encouraged that at least 1 Range Officer be provided per stage. Match Directors can utilize other shooters in the squad to assist in spotting hits. Match Directors are responsible for utilizing enough spotters, reactive targets and/or electronic flashers when putting targets at longer ranges. 
  4. Alternatively, the Match Director may select one person per squad whom he or she trusts and designates them to provide stage consistency and delegate Range Officer duties to the squad. This individual will be known as the Squad Range Officer. If the Match Director chooses to use Squad Range Officers, the course of fire may be published publicly prior to the match or on match day but Squad Range Officers cannot receive the course of fire earlier than the other competitors. Everyone, including the Squad Range Officers, must receive the course of fire at the same time. After the course of fire has been distributed, the Match Director must perform a stage walk through with all Squad Range Officers to ensure that the course of fire is consistent across all squads.
  5. Match Directors must have a scoring system that allows for quick tabulation of points and must allow shooters to see their scores after the stage. Using a system that makes the shooter sign or acknowledge their score is encouraged. If utilizing paper scoring, rain should be accounted for. If using electronic scoring, failure of equipment and battery life should be accounted for and paper backup should be available. The use of tablets is highly encouraged. It allows for accurate and timely tabulation of scores, without manually calculating scores. Additionally, the use of tablets allows for the Match Director to verify any alterations to scores and to quickly submit scores to the NRL22 and for shooters to see their raw score.
  6. At the conclusion of the match, Match Directors shall provide a 10-minute arbitration period for shooters to review scores and issue grievances if necessary. Once the arbitration period is complete, scores are then final. At no time and for no reason will scores or results be altered after this period. If individuals come forward any time after the arbitration period has ended, the reasons will be noted and followed up with the Match Director, but scores, placements, and prizes will not be recalled. During the arbitration period, shooters must provide proof in order for a score to be changed in their favor, i.e. a video of them shooting the stage where impacts can be heard from the Range Officer. 
  7. Match Directors must provide match scores within 3 days of the completion of their match to the NRL22 X. Included in the scores will be names of any poor sportsmen, and any individual found to have cheated.
  8. Sponsors are very important to NRL22 X. Match Directors are encouraged to pass along an email to all shooters after the competition with the email address for every sponsor.
  9. Match Directors shall be members of the NRL22 at the time registration opens for their match.
  10. Match Directors must be experienced in hosting matches to ensure a smooth and efficient match.

D. Range Officer’s Responsibilities

  1. Range Officers are any person assisting in running a competition, not including the Match Director. They can be the person running a stage, a spotter, the sign in person, or anyone that the Match Director acknowledged, as working the match.
  2. Range Officers should understand all Rules and Regulations prior to the start of the competition to ensure the safety of all participants. Any Range Officer witnessing unsafe acts shall call ceasefire and correct the unsafe act as soon as possible.
  3. Range Officers that are running a stage shall have complete knowledge of the stage that they are responsible for. They shall conduct a stage briefing for all shooters prior to each stage and assist in target location on stages that allow for prior target knowledge. After the stage briefing, the squad will have 5 minutes to prep before the first shooter is called. Once the stage begins, the Range Officer shall run every shooter though that stage as close to the same as humanly possible. Match Directors shall ensure that Range Officers utilize standard commands at their competition. (Encouraged standard commands are as follows: “Shooter, do you understand the course of fire?” If no questions are asked, then “Shooter clear to load and make ready”. Once the shooter makes his or her rifle ready, “Shooter Ready?” Once an affirmative is obtained, “Stand by,” then the start tone should follow.
  4. Range Officers that are serving as spotters are responsible for calling hits or misses. Utilization of standard calls is encouraged. Standard calls are “impact” or “reengage”. Spotters should use loud clear voices when calling stages. Calling corrections during the stage is not allowed but encouraged AFTER the stage is complete.
  5. Anytime a Range Officer is not able to settle a grievance presented by a shooter, he or she shall request the Match Director to make the final judgment.
  6. Range Officers will ensure that the shooter’s chamber is cleared, magazine removed, and chamber flag/block inserted prior to them moving their rifle off the firing line.
  7. It is highly recommended that Range Officers read off the shooter’s score after the stage has been completed and then read off all shooter scores prior to leaving the stage. This will limit the arbitration time and resolve any score discrepancies prior to the next stage.
  8. It is highly recommended to have separate people spotting impacts and running the tablet. Ideally the spotter will have a mechanical, thumb operated, clicker counter to tally impacts while the other individual is recording the result of each shot on the tablet. Upon completion of the shooter’s allotted time, the spotter should confirm the number of impacts with the person operating the tablet. This process minimizes errors and ensures the spotter can watch for safety and concentrate on accurate impact calls.

E. Specific Competition Rules

  1. A NRL22 X competition shall consist of at least 8 individual stages. There is no limit to maximum yardage so long as the Match Director has target flashers and spotters to ensure the identification of hits or misses. Having a minimum 30 minute sight in period is mandatory and having at least a few targets out at distance is encouraged due to environmental factors. If weather or acts of God alter the competition, the competition scores will be valid if the intention of the competition meets the previous guidelines.
  2. No single stage should be worth 1.5 times over the amount of another stage. Additionally, stages in which a single shot removes all points without the opportunity to earn any back is discouraged.
  3. In a timed stage, shots taken up to 0.25 seconds after the clock are still eligible for points.
  4. It is understood that many ranges operate for profit and shutting a range down is not possible. Also that train ups assist in profits for the range. Therefore shooting at the range prior to a competition is allowed. Shooting on the range’s props is also allowed; however, shooting specific stages that are part of the COF before the competition must not be allowed for any reason. For these reasons, it is important that the Match Director be involved or at least has knowledge of events taking place at the range prior to his or her competition so having common stages and /or course of fire does not occur.
  5. No shooter may be allowed to assist in forming the stages for the course of fire.
  6. From time to time, reshoots of stages will occur for reasons such as a ceasefire being called, prop malfunction, or target failure. The Range Officer may offer a reshoot anytime he or she thinks it is warranted based on those conditions. A shooter may also request a reshoot to the Range Officer. If the Range Officer denies the request, the shooter may request to bring the issue to the Match Director. The Match Director’s ruling is final. The Match Director shall also inform the shooter if they are able to request another reshoot in the remainder of the competition. The Match Director will determine if reshoots will be complete stage reshoots or starting in the middle of the stage with points and time consistent with the stoppage. The score on the reshoot will be the only score used.
  7. The Match Director may choose to have mulligans for their match at an additional cost. A shooter will not be allowed to have more than one mulligan. If the shooter decides to use a mulligan then he/she will need to announce that to the Range Officer immediately after shooting the stage and prior to the next shooter starting. The shooter will be required to reshoot the stage after all squad members have completed the stage.
  8. All regular target impacts shall be worth 10 points per hit. The Match Director can choose to utilize special targets worth different values so long as they are designated as such in the match book. Impacts on a target only count when the actual steel target is hit. Depending on the manufacturer, a target may have a small piece of steel where the target stand goes through, that part is still considered the target. In addition, the stem of a KYL is considered part of the target but impacts near the hinge or the crossbar are not allowed. Impacts on target hangers, stands, and/or straps will not count as an impact. If a target moves after a shot has been fired, then that shot will be recorded as an impact, unless the Range Officer is able to clearly determine that the impact was not made on the steel target but rather the target hanger/stand/strap. If a range officer determines that a shooter is intentionally shooting the hinge or crossbar of a KYL rack, this activity can be deemed as cheating and is grounds for match DQ.
  9. There will be a timed stage at every NRL22 X event. This stage is intended to break up ties. It is encouraged that the Match Director use a stage that most shooters will be able to fire all rounds. The timed stage will be designated as such in the shooter booklet. In the event that scores are the same for the top 3 shooters of any division, the Match Director shall have the shooters repeat the timed stage until the tie is broken. Here is how the timed stage shall be administered:

o   The Range Officer must use a simple timer that can record down to the tenth of a second.  (like a phone or stopwatch capable of going to a tenth of a second)

o   The time will start when the Range Officer tells the shooter to start the course of fire.

o   When the shooter fires the last shot, the shooter will yell “Done” loud enough to be heard over hearing protection.

o   The Range Officer will stop the time and record the time to the tenth of a second.

o   The shooter shall be awarded 0.1 point for every second remaining in the course of fire.

o   Example: The course of fire is 10 targets and has a time of 120 seconds. The shooter hits all 10 targets and completes the course of fire in 111.3. The score would be 100 (for 10 impacts) plus .83 (8.3 seconds remaining) for a total of 100.83 points.


A. Divisions

The NRL22 X has the following divisions:

  1. Shooters must pick one division to shoot at the beginning of a match. The shooter is only eligible for placement in the division in which they signed up. For example, if a female shooter signs up for Open division and wins the entire shoot, she will only be recognized for the placement in the division in which she signed up for. In this example, that would be the Open division.
  2. Young Guns will be any shooter between ages 8-16. Age requirement is allowable as soon as a child turns 8. Young Guns must be no older than 16 at the time of the first day of the season. A parent or guardian must be present with the shooter, who will take responsibility for the actions of the Young Gun. Young Guns must be able to operate their firearm safely by themselves with no hands-on assistance from the parent or guardian. However, verbal coaching is absolutely acceptable and encouraged. Calling shot placement corrections should be reserved until after the stage is complete however, this is acceptable during the stage for newer Young Guns or Young Guns that are struggling. Young Guns may sign up to compete in Young Guns, Open, or Ladies division and would be subject to that division’s rules.
  3. Ladies division is for the female shooter. Ladies may choose to compete in the Ladies division or Open division. Open division is for all other shooters.

B. Equipment

  1. Rifles must be chambered in .22 Long Rifle. This cartridge is the most common and available rimfire cartridge. At these ranges it also most closely mimics centerfire cartridges at Precision Rifle. 17 HMR, 22 Magnum and like rimfires cartridges are not allowed.
  2. Rifles with removable magazines must be used. Rifles with fixed tubular magazines are not allowed as they are more difficult to make safe.
  3. Any scope, iron sights, or electronic sights may be used. However, magnified rifle scopes with externally adjustable turrets and reticles designed to assist in holdover and measurement are highly recommended.
  4. Any shooting equipment may be utilized in NRL22 X. The only exception is when a course of fire prohibits specific equipment or requires use of only certain equipment.
  5. The shooter will only use one rifle for the competition. If the competitor’s rifle has a malfunction, the shooter shall be able to use a backup or loaner rifle. The Match Director must be notified when an equipment malfunction occurs. The shooter shall demonstrate the failure to the match director and obtain permission to utilize the backup rifle.

C. Scoring

  1. Match points may only be obtained by NRL22 members. If a shooter is not a member, they have 7 days after the shooting event to obtain membership and the points to be counted.
  2. Match points will be earned by shooting any of the sanctioned NRL22 X competitions.
  3. Scores shall be awarded by percentage of the winning score. Percentage is described as follows: The match’s winner will be awarded 100 points. Other match points will be based off of the percentage of the winning shooter. (For example, if the winning shooter scores 175 points, and the second place shooter scores 163 you would divide 163 by 175 to end up with 93.14 points
  4. Once a competitor has begun the COF, all points acquired will be maintained regardless of shooter status at the conclusion of the match. The only exception to this is if the shooter is disqualified.

D. Championship Qualification

  1. Shooters may shoot as many competitions as they like; however, only the shooter’s two best match scores will count toward the season point’s race and NRL22 Championship qualification.
  2. Season points will be tallied by NRL22 X and displayed on the NRL22 X website. Rankings will be determined by the best score.
  3. The NRL22 Championship will have 2 separate ways to qualify. Half of the shooters will come from NRL22 (see NRL22 rules for details on qualification). The other half will come from NRL22 X by ranking.
  4. The NRL22 X season will begin on April 1, 2022 and end on May 31, 2023.
  5. NRL22 X will determine the number of invites from each division according to the percentage of participation from each division. (example: if 100 spots are available to NRL22 X shooters and the season’s participation is 50% Open, 25% Young Guns, 25% and Ladies the following will be the invites: 50 open, 25 Young Guns, and 25 Ladies)
  6. 10 slots for the National Championship will be awarded to International NRL22 shooters. International NRL22 clubs will be responsible to determine which shooters will attend from their Country. 

E. Championship Match and Scoring

  1. The NRL22 will be responsible for conducting a Championship match at the end of the season. The National Championship match is to be held July 7-9, 2023 in Maxton, North Carolina hosted by Chris Simmons. Further specific details will be disclosed closer to the match date.
  2. Each season there will be a NRL22X Champion for each division and will be announced during the NRL22 National Championship. The winner of each division will be determined by their season score (highest two percentages of overall finish from NRL22X matches) combined with their percentage of overall finish in the NRL22 National Championship. The NRL22 National Championship will be worth double points; the percentage of overall finish will be multiplied by two before adding it to the season score. For example, if a competitor has a total of 194.34 points from their highest two NRL22X matches and earns 98.43 points at the NRL22 National Championship, then the competitor will have a combined total of 391.20 (194.34 + 98.43 + 98.43) points.

A. Good Sportsmanship.

  1. Good Sportsmanship is one of the founding principles of the NRL22 X and is highly regarded by the NRL as a whole. Good sportsmanship helps grow the sport, creates positive role models, and is impressive to the sponsors. It is not something that can be quantified, but is easy to recognize by all participants.
  2. The NRL22 will have a special trophy presented to a shooter at the Championship match whom the NRL Board of Directors votes as deserving.

B. Unsportsmanlike Conduct.

  1. Unsportsmanlike conduct is taken very seriously by the NRL22 X.
  2. Examples of bad sportsmanship include treating participants or range staff with disrespect, unwarranted complaining, throwing tantrums, or being unpleasant.

C. Cheating

The NRL22 X defines cheating as: acting dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage in competition. Examples of cheating are:

  1. Sabotaging another shooter’s equipment.
  2. Assisting in writing any course of fire or obtaining the course of fire prior to the match.
  3. Altering or destruction of score sheets.
  4. Any other act as deemed unfair/cheating by a Range Officer or Match Director.

D. Penalties for Unsportsmanlike Conduct and Cheating

  1. Any shooter who is deemed as acting in an unsportsmanlike fashion will be subject to any penalty that the Match Director deems appropriate including warnings; stage zeros and/or match DQ and being removed from competition.
  2. The only penalty appropriate for cheating shall be the Match Director issuing a match DQ and being removed from competition.
  3. In the event of a competitor being removed from a competition for cheating or unsportsmanlike conduct no match points will be awarded.
  4. Depending on the severity of unsportsmanlike conduct and/or cheating may result in the shooter being suspended from the NRL22 for a minimum of a year

E. Reports to the Board of Directors.

  1. Upon completion of an NRL22 X competition, the Match Director shall issue a report to his or her fellow Board of Directors which will include scores, who was the standout sportsman, and who if any shooters showed unsportsmanlike conduct or cheated along with any other pertinent information.
  2. If any shooter was deemed as displaying unsportsmanlike conduct, the fellow Match Directors will be informed and can choose if they will allow that shooter into their shoots. The Director of Match Operations will inform these shooters of the report by a phone call.
  3. If any shooter was deemed to be cheating, the Match Directors will conduct a vote to determine the disciplinary action for the shooter. Regardless of the decision, the Director of Match Operations will inform that shooter of the Board’s decision by phone call.