2024 NRL22 Championship
JUNE 21-23, 2024
Frederic, Wisconsin

Ruth Soucie
Justin Carbone
Frederic, Wisconsin
June 21-23, 2024
Date: June 21-23, 2024
Range Address: 5400 Townline Rd., Frederic, WI 54837
Coordinates: 45.725981, -92.265496
Match Fees:
- $290 – Open, Base, Ladies, Air Rifle, Old Guns, International
- $145 – Young Guns
No modifications will be done to the COF
This match fee is non-refundable but may be transferable to another 2024 Member with NRL22 approval. If a transfer is conducted then a refund, minus the credit card processing fee, will be issued.
Stages: 22
Round Count: 220 +/- 30 rounds, not including zeroing.
Stage Time: 1:45
Target Distances: Up to 300 yards
D.O.P.E. Gathering: Friday 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Will you have practice stages for tune up and DOPE gathering? Yes
Is there a cost? No- just for side stages
Will you have bonus stages to raise money for ROs? If so, how much and what are they.
We will have a minimum of 3 side stages that will be $10/play (details and final count TBD, we might have 4 stages, we are working with sponsors to put up prizes for these). Participants will earn tickets based on their performance at the stage. Each stage will have a drawing(s).
Range Type: Field style match
What can folks expect during the match i.e. types of props, are tripods allowed (for our overseas folks), etc. – Similar props to the previous Championships. Only stable props will be used. If stage allows, Tripods won’t necessarily need to be deployed on the clock (if they do we will specify that in the COF along with other equipment restrictions) – we will design stages so that tripods will not give a significant advantage over non-tripod use. The intent is for tripods to not add a significant advantage to any of the stages.
Friday Live Music & Free Beer/Rootbeer: No additional cost. Live music and beer/rootbeer on Friday (provided by PRS) will start at 6pm. Saturday BBQ (food provided by MCS and beer/rootbeer provided by Curtis Customs) and yard games. After you get done shooting come, get dinner, and just relax/visit, or leave early if you’d would like.
Food Details – Saturday and Sunday lunch will be provided and served to the stages. Lunch both days is being provided by Bushnell! Lunch both days will be a full meal (e.g., sandwich, chips, pickle, cookie, pop). Saturday evening BBQ, root beer and beer will be provided (kegs covered by Curtis Custom!). Sunday banquet dinner is provided (root beer floats and beer covered by Bushnell!) Bucked Up has donated energy drinks that we will hand out on Friday. Water will be available all weekend at carnival, zero range, stages and dinners. Snack bags will be provided to shooters in their shooter packets.
Awards Ceremony:
The awards ceremony and dinner will be held on site.
Match Overall Winner
NRL22X Series
- Top Open
- Top Young Gun
- Top Base
- Top Ladies
- Top Old Gun
- Top Air Rifle
NRL22 Series
- Top Open
- Top Young Gun
- Top Base
- Top Ladies
- Top Old Gun
- Top Air Rifle
Match Divisions
- Open 1st-5th
- Young Guns 1st-3rd
- Base 1st-3rd
- Ladies 1st-3rd
- Old Gun 1st-3rd
- Top Air Rifle
Top International
Match Classifications
- Expert 1st-5th
- Sharpshooter 1st-5th
- Marksman 1st-5th
- Novice TBD
Prize Table:
National Championship Prize Table Walk – 2 Groups
In order to promote the growth of the sport through family and youth, the prize table walk will be highly favored towards Young Guns. We believe this represents our community’s values.
Group 1 Rules: Top Division Finishers According to Rules Laid Out Below
- 1st Walk goes to Match Winner (regardless of Division)
- Top Young Gun walks no less than 2nd (i.e. 2nd Walk will go to Top YG unless Top YG is overall winner, then 2nd walk goes to 1st Place of next highest Division)
- Top Lady walks no less than 3rd (i.e. 3rd walk will go to Top Lady unless a) Top Lady is Overall winner, or b) Overall winner is Top YG and Top Lady is 2nd Overall)
- 1st Place of Next Highest Division
- 1st Place of Next Highest Division
- 1st Place of Next Highest Division
Group 2 Rules: Remaining Participants Are Paired With a Young Gun and Walk in Ratio of Division Attendance
- Young Guns will be paired with every competitor that walks the table until all Young Guns have walked.
- Each Division will be added to the “Competitor & Young Gun pairing” according to a “Divisional Walk Interval”. The Divisional Walk Interval will be found for each Division by dividing the quantity of competitors in that Division into the quantity of the largest Division (typically Open). Each Division will walk at an interval of no less than what is equal to their Divisional walk interval. (i.e. if there are 100 Open competitors and 20 Base competitors, then a Base competitor will be added to the Competitor & Young Gun Pairing no less than every 5 pairs. 1) Competitor & YG, 2) Competitor & YG, 3) Competitor & YG, 4) Competitor & YG, 5) Competitor & YG & Base)
- Any Competitors except Young Guns that were Disqualified will walk at the end regardless of Division.
How do I qualify to attend the 2024 NRL22 Championship?
Invites to the 2024 NRL22 Championship will be based on each Divisions season participation. Individual invites from United States members will be determined by the highest 6 NRL22 monthly scores or highest 3 NRL22X scores.
The NRL22 will allocate approximately 10% of the available invites to International NRL22 competitors so that they can attend the Championship. International NRL22 clubs will be responsible to determine which competitors will attend from their country. NRL22 will reach out to each country’s NRL22 Director and let them know how many slots are available.
Follow our Facebook event “2024 NRL22 National Championship” for updates for developing details as we approach the match date. This is going to be a challenging and exciting match and we are looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.
On behalf of Savage Arms, future sponsors and vendors, and the NRL22 we thank you for your participation and look forward to seeing you in June!

Match Schedule
Thursday, June 20th
Vendor setup and RO match (No shooters on-site. Those camping onsite are restricted to the camping areas.)
Friday, June 21st
D.O.P.E. Gathering – 9:00AM – 7:00PM
Check-in/fun range day (shooters MUST check in on Friday before 8pm OR contact us directly to make special arrangements- if they do not check in on Friday, they may lose their selected squad)
Fun Range Day: Zeroing, DOPE gathering, stage walkthroughs (No Guns at Stages), carnival side stages (Dunk Tank Accuracy Challenge and more!), industry vendor tents, carnival food (food trucks and concessions available for purchase), and live music.
Saturday, June 20th
Zero range open: 6:45am-7:30am
Match Brief: 7:45am (SHARP)
Match Start: 8:30 (SHARP-“go hot” order will be given over RO radios)
Lunch: will be served at your stage between 11am-12pm, we will not be taking a break for lunch
Post-match BBQ & yard games: Immediately following completion of stages
Sunday, June 21st
Zero range open: 6:45am-7:30am
Match start: 7:45am
Banquet immediately following conclusion of all stages- food will be served starting at 3:45pm until all competitors and registered spectators have eaten
Awards ceremony will begin at 4:45pm
Vendors That Will Be On-Site
- To Be Announced
Nearby Airports:
- Minneapolis–Saint Paul International Airport, 4300 Glumack Dr, St Paul, MN 55111
RV Hookups and Camping:
Total spots – TBD
Hookups – TBD
Bathhouse – TBD
• You must CALL for the discount and blocked rooms: 715.349.2500
• Reference Group Name: NRL22 Championship
• Dates: 6/20-6/24
• Policies: 24-hour cancellation
• Rates: $110-$150
• You must CALL for the discount and blocked rooms: 715.349.7800
• Reference Group Name: Coyland/NRL22 Champ
• Dates: 6/19-6/24
• Policies: 72-hour cancellation, minimum 2-night stay
• Rates: $134.99-$189.99
• You must CALL for the discount and blocked rooms: 715.349.5225
• Reference Group Name: NRL22 Championship
• Dates: 6/19-6/24
• Policy: 48-hour cancellation
• Rates: $80-$99.70 (includes tax)
o Microwave, Fridge, Coffee pot included in each room.
*All information provided as a service, we strongly advise that all potential competitors do their own travel planning and research to find what works best for them individually!