West GA Precision 22LR

Home/West GA Precision 22LR

We will have 6-8 stages (5 NRL22 and 2-3 unique stages) with target ranging from 25-200 yards. Majority of the time we won’t go past 175 yards.

Match location: Behind the Harrelson County Dump. Gate will be open travel straight throw the 4-way stop and down the gravel to the fork. Stay right and go through the club gate. Stay right and drive past shotgun hill. Rifle range is down the hill. Parking might be tight. Address: 200-238 Landfill Rd. Tallapoosa, Ga 30176

Set-up: 7:00-8:00am (volunteers are welcome welcome to help set up)
Safety Brief: 8:15am for first time shooters
Zero range opens: 8:30am
Match Brief: 8:45am
Match begins: 9:00am

Match Fees: $25 for adults, $15 for young guns

All rifles must be inline with the NRL22 rules.

One loaner rifle is available and can be borrowed for free, but ammo will be $25 for 100 rounds. Dope can be provided for the COF. Ammo is Norma has been very consistent in this rifle. Match Director first about borrowing a rifle. dewstuff@comcast.net

Range has less than a 90 degree field of fire, so muzzle control is very important.

Registration will be through Practiscore.


MD: Wade Moeller

Rimfire Matches per Year: 8-10

Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 25-200 yds

*Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is the competitor’s responsibility to get confirmation on match registration directly from the Match Director and if that Match Director intends to submit competitor scores on this national platform. 

West GA Precision 22LR
200-238 Landfill Rd.
Tallapoosa Georgia 30176
United States