2024 Rules Updates with Levi Sanderson and Dominic Thompson NRL22 Podcast Season 1 | Ep.12

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2024 Rules Updates with Levi Sanderson and Dominic Thompson NRL22 Podcast Season 1 | Ep.12

On today’s episode, Ruth speaks with Dominic Thompson and Levi Sanderson, about the advisory board, 2024 rule changes, and more!

Dominic Thompson started shooting NRL22 in 2018 when a friend of his introduced him to the sport. He was an active duty Army medic who wanted to find the same camaraderie the military has but within the shooting community. He loved that folks were willing to coach you and help you as a new competitor. Since actively competing, he became a Match Director for NRL22-Ft. Campbell and serves as the NRL22 National Coordinator. As a match director, he gets real enjoyment out of seeing new competitors enjoying themselves and seasoned competitors getting better. His goal is to continue to coach, guide and mentor competitors and continue to grow this sport.

Levi Sanderson has enjoyed plinking and shooting since he was a kid. Growing up in South Dakota he spent a lot of time hunting, but 10 years ago he jumped into the competitive shooting sports. In 2018 he discovered NRL22 and fell in love with the discipline and community. Now he is actively involved in growing the sport ranging from helping new shooters to managing national NRL22 leaderboards. Along with hosting a monthly match at Strategic Edge just outside of Nashville, he also competes almost every weekend. He loves working with and learning from competitors of all skill levels, but especially enjoys seeing new competitors grasp previously unknown concepts and get hooked on the sport.

Hear from Dom and Levi on the 2024 NRL22 Rules, and more, on the NRL22 Podcast!

2:10 Rule changes into the 2024 season
2:28 How do these new classifications work?
6:33 Summary of classification system
11:35 What does this mean for the Divisions that we know today?
13:47 X Match ROs, outcome from the pulse of the community survey
19:27 Another change for this year, National Championship
20:30 Series placements vs championship placements
21:22 One last thing about the RO matches
27:12 2024 Membership Grace Period
30:38 Why do May matches count for this next season, before Nationals?
33:37 Using the leaderboard for next year’s Nationals Invites
37:35 Changes to OG and Adaptive class for this next season?
44:00 New props for the 2024 Season
50:17 Can I use my tripod or one that is supplied at the match?
54:44 The NRL22 pyramid prop
1:00:05 What are some things the advisory board gets questions on, but haven’t changed?
1:07:10 About those classifications, how did the current rankings get determined?
1:13:30 Rule change about minimum number of competitors for a monthly match to count
1:17:09 Nationals in North Carolina – where will Nationals be in 2024?
1:18:24 Final words from Dom

Do you have questions, comments, insight on the topics discussed today? Shoot an email to podcast@nrl22.com with Subject: “NRL22 Podcast S1 E12”.

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Links from today’s episode:

NRL22 RULES 2024



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Release date:
15 May 2023

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