Photography by APD Photography and Media
Raising the next generation of safe, and responsible rifle shooters.
Message from Parent: When Keith took Adam out to the shooting range for the first time to shoot a 22 rifle, Adam was 12 and still a little scared due to an incident that happened to him when he was 5 years old. Keith was the perfect person to teach Adam the proper way to handle and hold a firearm. Adam now understands that when you educate youth on gun safety (proper handling and storing), gun accidents or injuries may be prevented. He will always remember that one time he was too small to understand how to hold a firearm but has learned that being scared isn’t educating you on gun safety.
Adam is enjoying being outdoors more after these matches. Being a blended family of 6, we try to make sure we spend one on one with each child on after school activities. These matches are special time bonding between Keith and Adam. Keith takes Adam at least twice a week afterschool to the shooting range and sometimes during the weekends too. Sometimes it’s not even to practice for the 22 matches, but to just go out there and continue to build a strong relationship bond between them. ~Cynthia
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
― Thomas A. Edison
Competitive Shooter Profile
My name is Adam. I don’t have a nickname but my family calls me Adam X. I was born in Texas but have moved 7 times since I was 3 months old. I now live in Florida with my mom, stepdad, sister, stepbrother and stepsister. I just turned 16 and am a sophomore in high school. I have been in JROTC for 2 years now. I enjoy playing video games, golfing and going out to the shooting range.
Precision Rifle Journey
I started the Matches in October 2019, so I am still new to them. I wanted to join the marksmanship club in my school but missed the tryouts and 2 weeks of school because I injured both of my feet. We saw a billboard about the matches and told my mom I wanted to try them out. I found a new hobby and sport I like to do.
My Rifle Build
The rifle I started with was a Savage 22 with a Nikon prostaff rimfire 3-9×40 scope. My new rifle is a Ruger Precision 22LR rifle with a Vortex Diamondback 4-16×44 scope.
Favorite part about competing in an NRL 22 match
My favorite part is to hear them say “Impact”, but I guess everyone competing likes that. My mom and stepdad go to my matches and there are times I can’t stop talking all the way to and from them. I think it takes us 45 minutes to get there, but it might seem longer to my parents with me talking. Another reason I like the matches is no one judges you if you have the less expensive or basic equipment like I did.
In my last match, my rifle was malfunctioning on the first stage and I did not have an extra rifle. Someone was nice enough to let me borrow their extra one. I did pretty good not ever shooting their rifle. Another challenge has been the standing position. I feel like I need more practice in this position. I am working on getting better. Another personal challenge is beating my own scores. So far I have improved my scores every match.
Inspirations and Aspirations
My hero is my stepdad. He got me back into shooting and has taken time to teach me how to get better at the sport. He just retired from Special Forces. He always finds time to support or help all the kids in our after school activities or hobbies. He has always treated me and my sister like his very own kids too.
Message from Match Director
My name is Guy DeMarco and I’m the Match Director for the ALTUS NRL22 Series. This is my first full year competing in the NRL22 and being a match director. I got started shooting NRL22 while stationed in California when I was invited to a match by Erik Severson, the Sage Shooting Facilities Match Director. I didn’t have the gear so Erik loaned me a rifle to use. After shooting that match and seeing the fun I had, others had, and the general laid back yet competitive nature of the sport I was hooked. I’ve shot other disciplines over the years but I’ve never had this much fun.
At ALTUS we are blessed to have great range management that has allowed me to really run with the series. We also have a the premier range in NW Florida to host our matches. We have dedicated 50 and 100 yard bays while also having lanes out to 800 yards. It truly is a hidden gem of NWFL.
Having a Young Gun like Adam join our matches truly is a blessing. He makes all of our competitors remember that it’s not just about razing each other and seeing who wins. Instead, we are here to teach, guide, and impart our knowledge to the younger generation. Our job is to make the shooting sports safe, fun, enjoyable so we can grow our community. In the short time Adam has been with us he has really excelled. Adam has put in the time and practice to better himself while keeping it lite and fun. It really is a pleasure to have young guns like Adam join us on a monthly basis.

Adam X is a phenomenal shooter with a lot of hidden talent that’s progressively showing itself more and more. The willingness to learn both from his own mistakes and other more experienced shooters has shown in his consistent upward score trend. Looking forward to see how he does in this years season!