Aurora Sportsman’s Club

Home/Aurora Sportsman’s Club

Event starts at 8:00 am, ends at 4:00 pm.
Set-up: 8:00 am (volunteers are welcome)
Registration Opens: 9:00 am
Registration Closes: 9:30 am
Mandatory Safety Brief: 9:45 am
Sight In: 10:00 am
COF starts: 10:30 am

The NRL22 course of fire will be 5 stages (with a possibility of MD designed fun side stage) 52+ rounds of 22LR engaging steel targets from 25 yds to 100 yds. There is a good mix between prone stages, barricade stages, and positional stages. Steel targets sized from 1/4” to 6”.

$30 for non ASC Member, $20 for ASC Members. Cash due at the match. Young Guns shoot free but must be accompanied by an adult.

Open, Base (rifle/scope comb limit $1050), Ladies, Young Guns (8-16), Old Guns (60+)

.22 Long Rifle ONLY
(Air rifles accepted according to NRL22 air rifle rules)

Required: 22LR rifle, chamber flag, eyes and ears, 52+ rounds of 22LR

Recommended: scope, bipod, shooting bag, binos/spotting scope, extra ammo for sight in, dope card, ballistic calculator.

Monthly COF downloads:




Please Pre-register. Pre-registration is FREE and if the match meets capacity, pre-registered shooters will be given the spot.


Contact Luke @


MD: Lukas Oleksak

Rimfire Matches per Year: 10

Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 100 yds

*Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is the competitor’s responsibility to get confirmation on match registration directly from the Match Director and if that Match Director intends to submit competitor scores on this national platform. 

Aurora Sportsman’s Club
7749 Rueff Rd
Waterman IL 60556
United States