SRGC Tactical Precision Rimfire Match

Home/SRGC Tactical Precision Rimfire Match

Sunnyvale Rod and Gun Club (SRGC) hosts a monthly Tactical Precision Rimfire match using the NRL22 course of fire plus 1 or more additional stages.

Matches are generally held on the 2nd Monday evening (4:45-9pm).  Our range has overhead lights and covered shooting positions so we shoot every month of the year.

The match is open to both SRGC members and nonmembers. Participants will meet with the Match Director for orientation and live-fire safety qualification.

Please contact the Match Director via email or phone for inquiries, and to set up a time for your orientation session.

SRGC Tactical Precision Rimfire Match

Club website

MD: Byron Young

Rimfire Matches per Year: 12

Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 100 yds

*Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is the competitor’s responsibility to get confirmation on match registration directly from the Match Director and if that Match Director intends to submit competitor scores on this national platform. 

SRGC Tactical Precision Rimfire Match
11998 Stevens Canyon Road
Cupertino CA 94014
United States