Blue Ridge Sportsmen Club

NRL22 match register is on PractiScore . We will have monthly matches in 2025. Fee is 30.00 a match with BBQ. PractiScore Club Link  Club Website MD: Reg Smart Rimfire Matches per Year: 12 Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 100 yds *Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is the competitor’s responsibility to get confirmation on match registration directly from the Match Director and if that Match Director intends to submit competitor scores on this national platform. 

Londonderry Beer and Gun Club

Description needed. PractiScore Club Link MD: Tom Ferguson Rimfire Matches per Year: ? Primary Range Distance (in Yds): ? *Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is the competitor’s responsibility to get confirmation on match registration directly from the Match Director and if that Match Director intends to submit competitor scores on this national platform. 

River Cities Precision @ NEKFGA

River Cities Precision is a division with in North Eastern Kentucky Fish and Game Association. We host monthly NRL22 matches on the 2nd Saturday of every month, check Practiscore for the most up to date information and registration. PractiScore Club Link Club Website Facebook MD: Jordan  Finfrock Rimfire Matches per Year: 8 Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 200 yds *Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is the competitor’s responsibility to get confirmation on match registration directly

Farm Out Range

Farm Out Range is just out side of Cheney or close to Sprague WA. I host a monthly PRS Centerfire match usually on the 1st Saturday of the month and will be hosting NRL22 matches on that Sunday. The address will be emailed to you after you register as I have more than one site and get to mix things up. I do have loaner rifles for shooters who want to check it out without spending a bunch of money.

Walker County Benchrest / Precision

We are located off of highway forty five north and fm 1696 In Montsville, TX and offer NRL22X rimfire matches out to 400yds. Competitors are welcome to pay the day of the match and may sign up on PractiScore. For any questions, feel free to call or text (713) 410-5233. PractiScore Club Link  Facebook MD: Larry  Deese Rimfire Matches per Year: 300 Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 0-400 yds *Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is the

Abbotsford Fish & Game Club – AML Precision 22

We have instagram under #abbotsfordmultigunleague and facebook under the same name. Our matches can be found at the PractiScore link below or by searching under Matches on PractiScore using the keywords “AML Precision 22”. PractiScore Club Link Club Website MD: Hermes Lee Rimfire Matches per Year: Estimating 8 Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 110 yds *Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is the competitor’s responsibility to get confirmation on match registration directly from the Match Director and if that Match

DFW Precision

Monthly matches for DFW Precision are held at a private gun club. The matches are open to the public, but there is no public access to the club at non-match times. Matches are typically held on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 10am. Please contact Scott Cotton at for directions and to confirm the match date and time. PractiScore Club Link Club Website Facebook Instagram MD: Scott Cotton Rimfire Matches per Year: 12 Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 100 yds *Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is the


This Club will concentrate on NRL22 and NRL22X type matches. MD: Ron Icayan Rimfire Matches per Year: 12 Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 105 yds *Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is the competitor’s responsibility to get confirmation on match registration directly from the Match Director and if that Match Director intends to submit competitor scores on this national platform. 

North Georgia Impacts

Email would be best. Thanks MD: Andrew Akins Rimfire Matches per Year: 4 Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 250 yds *Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is the competitor’s responsibility to get confirmation on match registration directly from the Match Director and if that Match Director intends to submit competitor scores on this national platform. 


Chief City Shooters is a competition club with a multitude of different disciplines available for a range of different types of shooters. We’ve recently added pcp air rifle (field target) and a TON of 22lr stuff. IR50/50, N50 League, NRA smallbore F-Class, along with NRL22. We’re excited going forward to partner with the NRL22 folks and hope to see you there! Club Website Facebook MD: Jeff O’Hare Rimfire Matches per Year: 20+ Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 50 – 200 yds *Information