Next generation of safe, and responsible rifle shooters.

Message from Dad: Dillan, being my son, started shooting our local rimfire precision challenge, before the NRL.22 ever started. In his second match, he won the match. Since we have shot some precision rifle matches, as well as monthly precision rimfire matches. I’m very proud of Dillan for his eagerness to help make sure matches run smoothly. He is always on a spotter, timer, or score sheet. I’m sure he would become a better shooter if he focused only on shooting, but his help is extremely valuable on match day.
Dillan Flores
I go to Summertown High School. I am 15 years old and play football for my school, defensive line and fullback, and also play the guitar. I have 2 little sisters and y dad, Michael Millikan, works at Eagle Eye Shooting Complex.
Competitive Shooter Profile
I have always shot guns ever since I was little, but my dad got a job at Eagle Eye and he introduced me to 3-Gun. I shot that for about a year then we found out about .22 rimfire precision matches. We have put those matches on at the range every month since then. My goals for this season are really to have fun and just become a better shooter overall.
My Rifle Build
Ruger 10/22 with a Ruger hammer-forged barrel, a Victor Company 10/22 Titan stock, a BLAMM data card system, a SAP sling, a SAP Solo Sack, and a Monstrum Tactical 6-24×50 ffp scope
Favorite part about competing in the NRL22 match
For normal matches, I usually get up and go to the range, which is about 5 minutes from my house, and help setup. What I love most is that all of the shooters get along and have a great time talking while everyone is shooting. On my way to Nationals Michael and I had a 2 day road trip to the match which was very fun and exciting. We stopped by a few gun shops and we even visited Black Rifle Coffee Company. In between stages, Its always fun to talk to the other shooters about how they are doing.
Mostly my challenges involve my scope getting off zero, or my dope being wrong. But even if I’m not doing too well I always keep my head up and try to do better on the next stage. Whether it be to use a stage to find out my new dope, or to just find a way to hit the target. Sometimes I cant, but that’s just part of shooting NRL22.
Inspirations and Aspirations
I’ve never really had a “hero” but if someone were to inspire me it would probably be Michael Millikan. He was in the U.S. Army, which I plan on joining. He also coached my football teams when I was little. He shoots all the matches that I do and he helps me figure out everything I do wrong and what I can do to fix it. All while helping raise me since I was 5 years old.
I also want to thank all the sponsors who have put so much into the NRL.22. Those items have helped me become a better shooter, and I understand their gear is very helpful to making the NRL.22 the greatest league in all of shooting sports.
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