We are a relatively small range, but host a variety of rimfire matches on Saturday mornings and different types of centerfire matches on Sunday afternoons. NASA plans to start hosting NRL22 matches on the fourth Saturday of each month. I may start with the monthly COF, but plan to add a couple of bonus stages as we grow. We have berms at 50, 100, and 200 yards on the rifle side. The centerfire match directors have Facebook pages and generally have
The Range Complex will be hosting an official NRL22 monthly match, which will consist of 5 – 8 stages. Five stages will be the standard NRL22 monthly course of fire from 25 to 100yards. Additional stages will consist of target distances out past 200yards. There will always be a good mix between prone stages, barricade stages, and positional stages. For additional information contact: John Sherbert Match Director sherb7311@gmail.com PractiScore Club Link Instagram MD: John Sherbert Rimfire Matches per Year: 10-12 Primary
KYL Shooters shoot at Bench Rest Rifle Club in Wright City MO with a maximum range of 100 yards. The NRL22 style of matches provide a shooting disciple for adults and supervised children to be able to learn the fundamentals of shooting in a match environment to improve their shooting skills. Shooters will learn to handle a rifle safely while shooting from various barricades at multiple distances. Shooter will learn how to use a ballistic calculator to safely shoot at
Monthly matches will consist of the NLR22 course of fire and 1 bonus stage. Typical target distances range from 25 to 100 yards. See the club website or Facebook page for event dates. Matches will typically be help the third Sunday of each month unless there is a scheduling conflict. MD: Pete Adams Rimfire Matches per Year: 7 Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 100 yds *Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is the competitor’s responsibility to get confirmation
We are located at Rush Lake Range, a 1000 yard range in the lakes area of Northwestern Minnesota. We will hold the monthly NRL22 match and submit scores as attendance allows. For more information, email us at northwestmn.22lr@gmail.com MD: Suzie Lundsten Rimfire Matches per Year: 12 Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 1000 yds *Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is the competitor’s responsibility to get confirmation on match registration directly from the Match Director and if that Match Director intends to submit
We run the official NRL22 stages on the 1st Saturday of the month. Weather permitting, we’ll add a bonus stage that will normally include some sort of moving target. If you’d like to be added to our distribution list, email pclearimfire@gmail.com. PractiScore Club Link MD: Anthony Wetherell Rimfire Matches per Year: 12 Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 100 yds *Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is the competitor’s responsibility to get confirmation on match registration directly from the Match Director and if
North Idaho based club running NRL22 matches at the Fernan Rod and Gun Club in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. You can register for matches at https://www.practiscore.com/clubs/north_idaho_precision_rimfire or join our Facebook group. MD: Wyatt Lassiter Rimfire Matches per Year: 10 Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 400 yds *Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is the competitor’s responsibility to get confirmation on match registration directly from the Match Director and if that Match Director intends to submit competitor scores on
We are a long standing club that’s been around for over 100 years. We host many types of events and are very happy to bring NRL22 to our club. If you’re interested in registering, please visit our club page on PractiScore. Facebook MD: Bradley Armstrong Rimfire Matches per Year: 12 Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 100 yds *Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is the competitor’s responsibility to get confirmation on match registration directly from the Match
We are using our Bay 4, 100 yard range on our 100 acre facility. We are currently capping participants to 20 as we are expanding our parking area. We will create a dedicated page for the NRL22 club off our main web page www.cohuttapines.com. From there, shooters will be able to book a slot in upcoming monthly matches. Facebook MD: Logan Corse Rimfire Matches per Year: 10 Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 100 yds *Information provided by NRL22 as
Private Gun Club open to all competitors wanting to participate and compete in the NRL22 Matches to promote firearm safety, competition, and family outings for adults and children. Information can be provided by contacting the Match Director and through the Coastal NRL22 Rimfire Series at 17 South Rod & Gun Club Facebook Page. Facebook Group MD: Johnny Sprinkle Rimfire Matches per Year: 12 Primary Range Distance (in Yds): 100 yds *Information provided by NRL22 as a resource. It is